Trichologists are experts in hair


Scalp and hair treatment. Trichologists specialize in diagnosing conditions that cause hair problems.

Trichologist is a specialist who works on hair, scalp and skin. The word “trichology” comes from the Greek word “trich” meaning hair. Trichologists study the science and growth of hair. A professional barber can help you keep your hair healthy, prevent problems and improve your overall appearance.

Hair consists of many different substances, including proteins such as keratin and cystine; vitamins such as fat-soluble vitamin D and water-soluble vitamin B12; and minerals such as iron. and other macro and micronutrients. The purpose of these vitamins is to keep our body healthy by preventing diseases such as anemia or scurvy (hemochromatosis) due to iron deficiency.

Hair is divided into three phases: anagen (growth), catagen (rest) and telogen (shedding). Each stage lasts two to six years before moving on to the next stage. During this time, our body goes through many hormonal changes that affect our weight loss with each cycle.

Trichologists are hair and scalp specialists who treat people with hair loss, hair thinning, or scalp conditions such as seborrheic dermatitis or psoriasis. They are trained to teach all aspects of hair health, including diagnosis, diagnosis and treatment of scalp conditions and nutritional recommendations.

A trichologist examines your hair for damage and disease. They will also examine your scalp for signs of skin infection or infection. They may take a sample of your hair and send it to the laboratory.

If a trichologist thinks you have alopecia areata or another autoimmune disease that may affect your vision in the future, he or she may want you to see an ophthalmologist.

Trichologists are experts in hair and scalp health. They can help you decide which treatment is best for your specific needs, such as growing your hair, managing hair loss, or dealing with other issues like dandruff.

1. How long have you been a doctor to become a trichologist?
2. How long have you been working in a barber shop?
3. What is your educational background?
4. What kind of training did you receive in trichology?

Trichologists are doctors who specialize in treating hair, including hair loss. It is indicated for the diagnosis and treatment of problems such as dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis, and alopecia.

Trichologists have a comprehensive understanding of the structure of hair and scalp and how they interact. This means they can determine the cause of your hair problem and recommend appropriate treatment.

Trichology is the branch of science that studies hair growth and loss. It involves examining all the factors that can affect the health and beauty of your hair, including diet, stress levels, lifestyle, medications, and environments such as air pollution.

Demand for trichology services has increased in recent years, partly due to the influence of celebrities sharing their hair or skin experiences on social media.